GOST 12308-89 and Fuel a term stable Т-6 and Т-8В for jet engines
1.1. Fuel produce on technology and with additives which were applied at manufacturing pre-production models,
past tests with positive results and admitted to application when due hereunder. 1.2. X and р and to т е р both
with т and to and 1.2.1. On physical and chemical and operational parameters of fuel should correspond to
requirements and the norms specified in the table.
The name of a parameter Norm for mark Test method
Т-6 A code of OKP 02 5121 0101 T-8B A code of OKP 02 5121 0102
1. Density at 20 ° With, kg / m3, not less 840 800 In accordance with GOST 3900
2. Fractional structure, °С: In accordance with GOST 2177
The temperature started distillations, not below 195 165
10 % it is overtaken at temperature, not above 220 185
50 % it is overtaken at temperature, not above 255 It is not normalized
90 % it is overtaken at temperature, not above 290 It is not normalized
98 % it is overtaken at temperature, not above 315 280
3. Viscosity kinematic, јј2/with (сСт): In accordance with GOST 33
At 20 °С Up to 4,5 Св.1,5
At a minus 40 °С, no more 60 16
4. The lowest heat of combustion, ¬дЄ/kg, not less 42900 In accordance with GOST 11065 or in accordance
with GOST 21261 and on item 3.2 of this standard
5. Height of not smoking flame, mm, not less 20 In accordance with GOST 4338
6. Acidity, mg КОН on 100 sm3 of fuel: In accordance with GOST 5985 and on item 3.3 of this standard
In fuel without Against deterioration additives, no more 0,5 -
In fuel with противоизносной an additive 0,4-0,7
On a place of consumption, no more 0,7
7. Iodic number, г iodine on 100 г fuel, no more 0,8 0,9 In accordance with GOST 2070
8. Temperature of flash in closed тигле, °С, not below 62 45 In accordance with GOST 6356
9. The temperature began crystallization, °С, not above -60 -50 In accordance with GOST 5066, a method
10. Термоокислительная stability in static conditions, no more: In accordance with GOST 11802
Mass concentration of a deposit, mg on 100 sm3 of fuel 6
Mass concentration of pitches, soluble in fuel, mg on 100 sm3 of fuel 60 It is not normalized
In accordance with GOST 8489 or in accordance with GOST 1567
Mass concentration of pitches, not soluble in fuel, mg on 100 sm3 of fuel Absence It is not normalized
11. A mass fraction of aromatic hydrocarbons, %, no more 10 22 In accordance with GOST 6994
12. Mass concentration of actual pitches, mg on 100 sm3 of fuel, no more 4 In accordance with GOST 1567 or in accordance with
GOST 8489 and on item 3.5 of this standard