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LPG & Ethane
LPG & Ethane: Weight, Volume, Heat Conversions


Barrels Per Tonne

                    Ethane      Propane      n-Butane     C3/C4 mix

Pressured            17.6         12.4         10.8         11.6

Refrigerated         11.5         10.8         10.4         10.6


Cubic Metres Per Tonne

                    Ethane      Propane      n-Butane     C3/C4 mix

Pressured            2.80         1.97         1.71         1.84

Refrigerated         1.83         1.72         1.66         1.69


106 Btu Per Barrel

                    Ethane      Propane      n-Butane     C3/C4 mix

Pressured            2.79         3.85         4.35         4.10

Refrigerated         4.27         4.41         4.49         4.45


106 Btu Per Cubic Metre

                    Ethane      Propane      n-Butane     C3/C4 mix

Pressured            17.6         24.2         27.4         25.8

Refrigerated         26.9         27.7         28.3         28.0


106 Btu Per Tonne

                    Ethane      Propane      n-Butane     C3/C4 mix

Pressured     }      49.2         47.7         46.9         47.3

Refrigerated  }


1 Barrel/Day = Tonnes Per Annum

                    Ethane      Propane      n-Butane     C3/C4 mix

Pressured            20.7         29.4         33.8         31.6

Refrigerated         31.7         33.8         35.0         34.4


Natural Gas: Inter-Fuel Price Equivalents (US Currency)



        = 5.8 Cents per Barrel crude oil

        = 6.4 Cents per Barrel fuel oil

        = 5.2 Cents per Barrel naphtha

        = 4.5 Cents per Barrel LPG (r)

        = 4.1 Cents per Barrel LPG (P)

        = 3.8 Cents per Barrel LNG


        = 0.42 Dollars per Tonne crude oil

        = 0.40 Dollars per Tonne fuel oil

        = 0.45 Dollars per Tonne naphtha

        = 0.47 Dollars per Tonne LPG

        = 0.52 Dollars per Tonne LNG


        = 17 Cents per MMBtu crude oil

        = 16 Cents per MMBtu fuel oil

        = 19 Cents per MMBtu naphtha

        = 22 Cents per MMBtu LPG (r)

        = 24 Cents per MMBtu LPG (p)

        = 26 Cents per MMBtu LNG


        = 2.4 Cents per MMBtu crude oil

        = 2.5 Cents per MMBtu fuel oil

        = 2.2 Cents per MMBtu naphtha

        = 2.1 Cents per MMBtu LPG

        = 1.9 Cents per MMBtu LNG

    ONE CENT per US gallon LPG = 10 CENTS per MMBtu


Oil and Coal Equivalent


1 million tonnes Oil per Year

        per year = 1.1 mrd m3 gas (1.3 mrd Groningen)

                 = 1.5 million tonnes coal

                 = 815 000 tonnes LNG

                 = 890 000 tonnes LPG

                 = 0.04 Tcf gas (42 trillion Btu)

        per day  = 115 million ft3 gas

                 = 3 million m3 gas

                 = 30 500 barrels LNG

                 = 26 000 barrels LPG (r)

                 = 28 300 barrels LPG (p)

                 = 20 000 barrels oil

1 million tonnes Coal per Year

        per year = 0.7 mrd m3 gas (0.8 mrd Groningen)

                 = 640 000 tonnes oil

                 = 525 000 tonnes LNG

                 = 580 000 tonnes LPG

                 = 0.03 Tcf gas (27 trillion Btu)

        per day  = 75 million ft3 gas

                 = 2 million m3 gas

                 = 19 700 barrels LNG

                 = 16 800 barrels LPG (r)

                 = 18 200 barrels LPG (p)

                 = 12 900 barrels oil

10 000 barrels Oil per Day

        per year = 0.6 mrd m3 gas

                 = 500 000 tonnes oil

                 = 780 000 tonnes coal

                 = 0.02 Tcf gas (21 trillion Btu)

        per day  = 58 million ft3 gas

                 = 1.5 million m3 gas



Rich Gas = natural gas having a gross calorific value of 41,868 kJ/m3.

This term is used particularly for the natural gas from the North
Sea and from Algeria.


Degree-days = the number of degree-days of a day is calculated on the

basis of a reference temperature set by experience at 16.5 C; it gives the

difference between that reference temperature and the daily mean temperature

if the latter is the lower.

The number of degree-days of a year is the sum of the degree-days registered

for each day of that year.


G-factor = invoicing factor representing the average monthly cost of

natural gas at the Belgian border in francs per gigajoule.


             1GJ        1Gcal      10-6 Btu   1toe       1kWh      1m3


1GJ          1          0.239      0.948      0.024      277.778   23.884

1Gcal        4.186      1          3.967      0.1        1,163     100

10-6 Btu     1.055      0.252      1          0.025      293.1     25.2

1toe         41.855     10         39.671     1          11,626    1,000

1kWh         3.600 10-3 0.860 10-3 3.421 10-3 0.083 10-3 1         86.011 10-3

1m3 rich gas 0.042      0.010      0.040      0.001      11.626    1


             gigajoule  giga       British    ton oil    kilowatt

                        calorie    thermal    equivalent - hour




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