2.1. Diesel fuel should be made according to requirements of this standard on the technology authorized when
due hereunder. 2.2. On physical and chemical parameters fuel should correspond(meet) to requirements
and the norms specified in tab. 2.
Table 2
The name of a parameter Norm for mark Test method
Л З And
1. Cetan number, not less 45 45 45 In accordance with GOST 3122
2. Fractional structure: In accordance with GOST 2177
50 % it is overtaken at temperature, °С, not above 280 280 255
96 % it is overtaken at temperature (the end of distillation), °С, not above 360 340 330
3. Kinematic viscosity at 20 °С, јј2/with (сСт) 3,0-6,0 1,8-5,0 1,5-4,0 In accordance with GOST 33
4. Temperature of hardening, °С, not above, for a climatic zone: In accordance with GOST 20287 with
addition on item 5.2 of this standard
Moderate -10 -35 -
Cold -45 55
5. Temperature of turbidity, °С, not above, for a climatic zone: In accordance with GOST 5066 (the second method)
Moderate -5 -25 -
Cold -35